Motorsport Sponsorship Mastery: GROWTH HACKER WAY

Are you trying to Secure Sponsors? Use these 5 Tools That Lead To Sponsors Reading Your Emails, Build a 3+ Year Long Partnership, and Attract Loyal Fans. (written by a Top Voice on LinkedIn)

Think Like A Creator.
Operate Like Traditional Media.

Most racing programmes struggle with getting & keeping sponsors.If your racing programme doesn't have a marketing plan tailored to a sponsor's needs,
you're...simply ghosted.
Who has time to do more cold outreach if it doesn’t move the needle?Join this challenge!In 5 days, I'll walk you through building your
unique selling point— an asset for your racing goals.


A 5-day email:DAY ONE: Spotting the Pitfalls in Motorsport Sponsorship StrategiesDAY TWO: Bridging the Divide: Enhancing Motorsport Sponsorship Plans.DAY THREE: Maximizing Sponsorship Impact for Motorsport Entities.DAY FOUR: Utilizing Email Assets for Motorsport Sponsorship Acquisition.DAY FIVE: Perfecting the Art of Crafting Compelling Motorsport Sponsorship Offers.

The Sponsorship Game is difficult

I was taught that sponsorships are built on relationships. But I’ve since learned that this guidance is incomplete.None of it comes UNLESS you get the big picture correct first.If your sponsorship package shows off the authority and value you provide AND ties in with your offering, then you’ve got a true ASSET.

Over 10 years, I have worked with:• Racing Drivers & Teams
• Mercedes, Porsche, Subaru
• Built my following of 5K followers
• Became a Top Voice on LinkedIn.
I also helped my clients:→ Built new revenue streams
→ Build impact with their fan base
→ Stopped their feast and famine cycle
→ Have marketing execs knocking on their door
So, I invite you to join me in this 5-Day Challenge.It’s free and will 100% help you create real value for you.See you inside :)Nirupam Singh (Niru)